Friday, April 15, 2011

Blah Thinking

Every one says that blogging is easy. You just type down your thoughts and whala, you have a post! Well that is not the case for me! I have been racking my brain all day thinking of what it is I should write. I probably have deleted at least three post so far. So how is it so simple for every one else, but very difficult for me? My conclusion, i over think everything!

I want to make sure that I do it the right way, the way I have envisioned it. Now I know what your thinking. Their is no right or wrong way to write down your thoughts. But to me I feel if I dont have the perfect post, the right title, or my commas in the the right spot then I am going to fail! See, this has been my mentality in everything I do. As a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, and as a child of Christ. I can never do anything right. This is where my "blah" thinking comes in.

So where dose the" bling" thinking come in since everything is always bleak at the beginning for me? At first I can not see past "my" thoughts, "my" ideas. Then that's when I am reminded its not about me and what I want. Its about My Father in heaven! I needed to stop thinking so that I could hear what he needs to tell me. I needed to be reminded that I CAN do anything threw Christ who straightens me. I am not a failure, because I am a child of God. That my Father has chosen me. That He delights in me! And when you have God on your side, how can you go wrong?


  1. Love it...well said!!!!!!
    Dawn Thomas

  2. I plan to be reading this because I know God will share lots of BLING thru you dear Sara. YOU are special and loved.
